Located on the tip of the Cotentin peninsula, this architectural complex placed on the French supplementary historic monuments list aims to increase the number of tourists visiting the area and develop its natural and ethnological heritage.
Didier Boy de la Tour . Published on May 04, 2015.
Positioned around the courtyard – the heart of the “Maison de la Hague”– are a number of permanent and temporary exhibition galleries, a cultural and scientific research centre and an accommodation wing.
Didier Boy de la Tour . Published on May 04, 2015.
Outside, a contemporary timber and glass greenhouse welcomes hikers and contributes to developing the image of the region as a focal point merging cultural heritage and modernity.
Didier Boy de la Tour . Published on May 04, 2015.
Didier Boy de la Tour . Published on May 04, 2015.
Didier Boy de la Tour . Published on May 04, 2015.
Didier Boy de la Tour. Published on May 04, 2015.
Didier Boy de la Tour. Published on May 04, 2015.
Didier Boy de la Tour. Published on May 04, 2015.
Didier Boy de la Tour. Published on May 04, 2015.