OZ 3459 - Estudio Trama, Estudio Arqtipo
Context I LocationOZ 3459 is a condo building with seven housing units located in the Saavedra neighborhood, a residential area in the city of Buenos Aires. Located in an unusual city block on an...
View ArticleCasa V - Dosis de Arquitectura
Casa V consists on the rehabilitation, adaptation and expansion of an existing house, designed and built in the early 1960’s. The family that inhabits the house has been spending the holidays in it for...
View ArticleNuovi volumi in villa esistente in Toscana - Lazzarini Pickering Architetti
Nuovi volumi in villa esistente in Toscana© Lazzarini Pickering Architetti . Published on May 10, 2011.© Lazzarini Pickering Architetti . Published on May 10, 2011.© Lazzarini Pickering Architetti ....
View ArticleE.V.A. - Paolo Robazza, Fabrizio Savini
Dopo il terremoto del 6 aprile 2009, alcuni cittadini di un piccolo borgo di origini alto-medioevali alle porte del Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso chiamato Pescomaggiore (L’Aquila), determinati a...
View Articlepadiglione onlus martino sansi - act _ romegialli, Luca Volpatti
Realizzare un centro socio-educativo che potesse contenere una segreteria, delle aule, un aula per informatica, una piccola falegnameria, una grande cucina ed una sala polifunzionale.Progettare una...
View ArticleZ House - EXiT architetti associati
Un progetto di interni di una casa unifamiliare di circa 300mq a Mogliano Veneto. Un ampio spazio in cui sala da pranzo, soggiorno e cucina coesistono e si susseguono in un unico ambiente ma trovano...
View ArticleIT CAFE - Divercity
Set in a bustling location and existing building in one of the key areas of downtown Athens, is a fresh food cafe and multi-functional space conceptualized into a packaging crate. Using this metaphor,...
View ArticleLogements adaptes aux personnes a mobilite reduite - Durisch + Nolli
Concours d’architecture pour la construction de logements adaptes aux personnes a mobilité reduite – Commune de Givisiez Concepts, philosophie. L’implantation du nouveau quartier dédié aux personnes à...
View ArticleEF37 / 8 apartments in Alexandroupolis - Joris Braat
As a reaction to the chaotic streetscape that is created due to the uncontrolled use of balconies, the decision was made to conceive the facade as a single volume that is built up out of loggias. This...
View ArticleNoXX Apartment - CM Mimarlık
NoXX Apartment is located in a narrow dead end in Cihangir. Due to the location of the Project and the short timing for construction, conventional construction techniques seem unattainable, therefore a...
View ArticleTower apartment - Clémence Eliard, Marc Sirvin
How to fit a 1-bedroom apartment into an atypical high and narrow volume, the roof being the only possible source of daylight? This is the question to which Clemence Eliard and Marc Sirvin – architects...
View ArticleCIVICA - Stefano Grigoletto, Alessandro Triulzi, Piermattia Cribiori,...
INTRODUZIONE L’architettura dei nuovi spazi espositivi per il MART ha la finalità di trovare una risposta alla creazione di un luogo in grado di accogliere esposizioni a carattere artistico differente...
View ArticleSocial Condenser - Atelier Kempe Thill
In the garden city Osdorp grew during the extension of the city of Amsterdam after the Second World War on the basis of the urban plan of De Stijl – architect Cornelis van Eesteren. Since the nineties,...
View ArticleUrban Podium Rotterdam - Atelier Kempe Thill
An Activator in the City’s Vacuum Situated between the gothic Sint Laurenskerk (Saint Laurens cathedral) and the Delftsevaart canal, the Grotekerkplein was formed only during the course of the...
View ArticleMP House in Sesma - alcolea + tárrago arquitectos
The commission began in a private competition, in which our office was selected not by a particular project, but by the attitude showed to the clients to build a maximum house with a very small budget...
View ArticleGrace Santorini Hotel & Villa - Divercity
This 20-room hotel is carved into the cliff-face 300m above Santorini’s volcanic caldera. The understated design allows this extraordinary landscape to take centre stage. The hotel provides a...
View ArticleCasa SC a Ragusa - Francesco Nicita
Sull’altopiano ibleo, in un area a nord della città di Ragusa caratterizzata dalla presenza dei muri a secco in pietra calcarea che disegnano geometricamente il paesaggio delle chiuse, ai margini di...
View Article2226 Lustenau - be baumschlager eberle
Atmosphere without machines While buildings require less and less energy, more and more is being spent on the maintenance and service needed to sustain this reduction. The prospect of buildings...
View Articlecasa esse - ellevuelle_architetti, Giorgio Liverani, Luca Landi, Michele...
TRACCIARE D(E)ISEGNI La pianura emiliano romagnola conserva ancora ben visibili ampi tratti del sistema centuriato, che si sviluppa tra la metà del III secolo ed il I secolo A.C ed il cui scopo...
View ArticleCasa 4 estaciones - Churtichaga + Quadra-Salcedo arquitectos
Weekend refuge© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG . Published on December 03, 2013.© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG . Published on December 03, 2013.© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG . Published on December 03, 2013.© Fernando...
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