Silver Shack - Chae Pereira Architects
A labyrinth of little alleys, a power plant, slum houses with corrugated metal roofs; Sangsu is on the edge of the ever busy Hongdae. For years this part of the city was a sleepy neighborhood,...
View Articlecollage house - bosch capdeferro studio
Renovation always means establishing a relationship of sorts with the past, with the pasts that are accumulated in the space of the intervention. And also with the future, with that imaginary idea of...
View ArticleMeier Road - Mork Ulnes Architects, SFOSL
A painter and a collector needed both an art studio and a barn to house a multitude of curiosities and memorabilia. Program-wise this was an exciting starting point. The project started as a renovation...
View ArticleAttic apartment Bled - Arhitektura d.o.o., Boštjan Gabrijelčič
The attic apartment is situated in an old villa in Bled – a renowned spa town. It was designed for a family as their holiday home. The apartment is an attic and its square meters yield less living...
View ArticleBE House - spaceworkers®
The idea of a vernacular architecture (forgotten) and how it seeks to form a clear speech between the landscape and programmatic needs is something that we always admire. A very successful example of...
View ArticleCasa Rana - Made in Earth
Casa Rana è una residenza destinata ad ospitare quindici bambini sieropositivi ed una mummy che si prende cura di loro. La struttura si compone di due piastre orizzontali in cemento che fanno da...
View ArticleESO Hotel Cerro Paranal - Auer Weber
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) operates the Very Large Telescope (VLT) on the Cerro Paranal, a mountain in the northern part of the Atacama desert in Chile. The VLT is the world’s most...
View ArticleRestoration and refurbishment of the Roman Forum of Empuries - Lola Domènech
The Roman Forum of Empuries, located to the south of Roses bay, is one of the most relevant historical and cultural heritage sites in the Mediterranean. This archeological restoration has recovered one...
View Articlegreen box - act _ romegialli
green box© marcello mariana. Published on October 31, 2011.© marcello mariana. Published on October 31, 2011.© marcello mariana. Published on October 31, 2011.© marcello mariana. Published on October...
View Articlevicino la cappella - bergmeisterwolf
Il lotto oggetto dell’intervento si trova in una piccola località sopra Vipiteno, a un’altitudine di 1400 m sul livello del mare. La località si compone di quattro case e una cappella. Una fatiscente...
View ArticleExtension to ESO Headquarters - Auer Weber
On 4 December 2013, at ESO Headquarters in Garching bei München, Germany, an official inauguration ceremony was held for the new office extension. The unveiling of the extension marks an important day...
View Articlelois, cornice paesaggistica - bergmeisterwolf
È un genere di mobile urbano per lo spazio alpino e potrebbe essere visto come nuova interpretazione delle panche di riposo con tavolo. È fatto artigianalmente da legno di cembro massiccio. In un modo...
View ArticleVIVAZZ, 131 Viviendas Protegidas - zigzag arquitectura
Capturar el lugar, reencontrarse con el valle. Una de las características más interesantes que se puede percibir en el lugar es que, a pesar de estar en medio de la masa urbana edificada de Mieres, es...
View ArticleCasa 4 estaciones - Churtichaga + Quadra-Salcedo arquitectos
Weekend refuge© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG . Published on December 03, 2013.© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG . Published on December 03, 2013.© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG . Published on December 03, 2013.© Fernando...
View ArticlePadiglione di accesso agli scavi dell'Artemision di Siracusa - Vincenzo Latina
La realizzazione del padiglione sulle fondazioni del tempio ionico pone l’archeologia come materia attiva e fondativa dell’architettura. Costruire sui resti di edifici antichi oggi sembra qualcosa di...
View ArticleSS38 spazio commerciale - act _ romegialli
il progetto ha interessato l’ampliamento di un edificio esistente in fregio alla strada statale SS38 adibito ad uso prevalentemente commerciale con al piano superiore una parte di residenza.foto...
View Articlescuola materna - furlan&pierini architetti, gianni mirolo, Angelo Salamon,...
Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di una scuola materna con pianta a “C” distribuita su un solo piano. La corte è aperta verso l’arco prealpino e il plesso è caratterizzato da un asse di...
View ArticleGymnase Lumière à La Ciotat - bauA, M+N architectures, Fabre Mathieu,...
Construction d’un gymnase à ossature bois au Lycée L. Et A. Lumière à La Ciotat.Photo by Florent Joliot© Fabre Mathieu . Published on April 24, 2014.Photo by Florent Joliot© Fabre Mathieu . Published...
View ArticleMemoriale Giuseppe Garibaldi - Pietro Carlo Pellegrini
In occasione del 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia, la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri con il progetto “I luoghi della Memoria” ha inteso recuperare i siti storicamente più significativi...
View ArticleApartment renovation in Casp - Carles Enrich
This early twentieth century apartment located in the left Eixample of Barcelona, had two rooms facing south-east while the living room has a north-west orientation facing the interior courtyard...
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